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2021-2027 orientation report : appeal for a World of solidarity - Terre Solidaire

2021-2027 orientation report : appeal for a World of solidarity

Publié le 18.06.2021| Mis à jour le 12.01.2022

Our new orientation report has arrived. The result of a long collaborative process, this roadmap sets out our commitments and objectives to continue, together, to promote a land of solidarity for the next six years.

As CCFD-Terre Solidaire celebrates its sixtieth year, « a new adventure is opening up to continue to build a world of solidarity and brotherhood where all human beings can live together in dignity ».

However, « the present world, a world in which many dreams have been shattered, is a violent world in need of justice, a world which endangers the future of the planet and of humanity ». Faced with this suffering world, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, with its long experience, wants to continue to be a bearer of hope.

Discover our commitments and objectives for the next six years

The ten orientations presented in these pages constitute the heart of our Appeal for a land of solidarity, and all are the fruit of a collective intelligence process which, for 18 months, has mobilised all the active forces — volunteers, employees and partners — of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.

Four fields of action will be given priority:

– Food sovereignty
– Economic justice
– International migration
– Peace and living together.

We invite you to join us and support our commitment to an earth of solidarity.

Find out more

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