© Roberta Valerio

© Roberta Valerio

About CCFD-Terre Solidaire

CCFD - Terre Solidaire

As a historical actor of change in 67 countries, CCFD-Terre Solidaire acts against all forms of injustice.


We work to ensure that everyone’s fundamental rights are respected: have enough to eat, live with dignity from one’s work, live in a healthy environment, choose where to build one’s life…

© Roberta Valerio

We act to ensure that everyone has enough to eat   

A more just and fraternal world is already in action because everyone carries in oneself a force for change.

Our commitment to greater justice and solidarity is rooted in the Church’s social thinking. Through our individual and collective action, we propose and support political and field solutions.

  • More than 500 partner organizations
  • 580 international projects in 67 countries
  • 7 000 volunteers
  • 2,4 million of beneficiaries
© Roberta Valerio


International projects
funded in 2020

7 000



of beneficiaries
© Roberta Valerio
Supporting local projects

Far from assistance and emergency practices, our international solidarity action is based on partnerships with local organizations. We support over 500 local actors in 67 countries to help them achieve their projects.


We choose not to send any expatriates nor equipment. On the other hand, we offer project management guidance, networking opportunities, and financial support.
We are taking action together with local players, rather than doing the job for them.


In order for everyone to live with dignity and make its community stronger, we support various projects such as agroecology, protection of human rights, fight against deforestation, and promotion of gender equality. Each year, we have a positive impact on the life of over 2.4 million people throughout the world.

Raising awareness among decision makers

Public laws and policies have a major impact on the causes of injustice. As a Consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, CCFD-Terre Solidaire carries out advocacy actions in France and abroad directed at political and economic decision makers.


We are calling upon authorities and elected representatives to defend the general interest and make sure the voice of the most vulnerable is heard.


Our knowledge of local realities is based on the close relationship built with our partner organizations. It allows us to have an overview of the economic, social and climate issues.

Mobilizing in France

7 000 volunteers work with us to promote international solidarity throughout France. They believe that injustice should not be anyone’s fate and that it is up to each of us to take action to bring about change and solutions.


The volunteers organize school workshops, public debates, meetings with highly committed people both in France and worldwide, citizen campaigns…


There are numerous action modalities and commitment types. Volunteers can get involved in a local group, participate in a one-time event, or take part in thematic focus groups about food sovereignty, climate justice, solidarity-based finance or international migrations.

Articles to read

Face à la faim, faites un don avant le 31/12 !
Je fais un don défiscalisé Test région 2