Proceedings of the colloquium
Introduction “Thinking change”
The CCFD-Terre Solidaire established this colloquium as part of a prospective reflection project in order to better face up to the issues of the future. We need to take another look at the very concept of development. We need to define paths for meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow both in the south as well as in the north. We need to find solutions to the financial, economic, social, environmental, food and moral cri- ses of a system that is coming to an end. to quote the spoonerism (in french) of francis Blanche: “it is better to think change than to change the bandage (il vaut mieux penser le changement plutôt que de changer le pansement)”. And we cannot do this on our own! it can only be done together as decision-makers, researchers, activists, partners by listening to each other, by debating and exchanging ideas so that truly innovative proposals may develop. In bringing together actors from more than twenty nations, this colloquium has enabled us to bring forth innovative and audacious proposals for a human and solidarity development. The proposals that we have drawn up together in this brief and dynamic report concern three central themes developed by the invitees at our round tables and introduced through the papers of Xavier Ricard, Catherine Gaudard and Guy Aurenche from the CCFD-Terre Solidaire.1.Economy
In this world where “shareholder” capitalism predominates and where finance has taken over the real economy, is it really possible to move towards an economy at the man’s service? If yes, how? What kind of transition is possible towards “another economy”? Can the social and solidarity economy really become a global alter- native?2.Governance
World government, as all the evidence shows, is not functioning well enough at present to regulate globalisation in its neo-liberal phase. this is particularly true with respect to economic and finan- cial regulation. Is governance for an earth of solidarity still possible? if yes, how? What place for territories, from local level to nation-state, to the great regions and at world level? What articulation between these levels? What place for civil societies?3.The person and his/her responsibility
Facing these issues, is each person responsible and can he/she become an actor for change? The individual singular man or the member of collective humanity? What place for convictions in this process? in order to build another world, we need to act on these different leverage levels:- That of the economy, certainly, without which development is not possible,
- That of governance and therefore politics, which remains primary,
- That of the responsibility of each person and citizen action.
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