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Program - Terre Solidaire
© Roberta Valerio

© Roberta Valerio


Publié le 11.10.2021| Mis à jour le 21.12.2021

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Publié le 20.02.2012

Thursday 8 December 2011 – Round table 1 : Towards an economy at the service of human being

09h00 Welcome – Registration
09h30 Introduction by Bernard Pinaud, General Delegate of CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Round table 1 – Towards an economy at the service of man

In a world of limited resources, how to re-embed the economy within society bearing in mind the constraints imposed by the necessary reproduction of natural ecosystems? Under what conditions is a more just, more solidarity economy also more ‘e “viable”? How to think through the economic transition towards “another” economy?


  • Emmanuel Faber, chef executive officer of Danone
  • Jean-Louis Laville, sociologist and economist, professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (National Conservatory of Arts and Trades), holder of the chair in “Service relations” and co-director of the Laboratoire interdisciplinaire pour la sociologie économique (Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Economic Sociology) (CNRS-CNAM, Paris).
  • Philippe Maystadt, president of the European Investment Bank, Belgian government minister, professor at the Catholic University of Louvain.
  • Patrick Ngouan, economist and national coordinator of the Convention de la Société Civile Ivoirienne (Ivoirian Civil Society Convention), a CCFD-Terre Solidaire partner.
  • Animator: Marie-Béatrice Baudet from Le Monde
  • Researcher discussant: Oriana Suarez, Latinddad, Reform of the Latin American financial system.
13h00 Buffet dinner at the venue

Thursday 8 December 2011 – Round table 2 : Governance: Towards a new role for actors, territories and nation-states


Round table 2 – Governance: Towards a new role for actors, territories and nation-states

How to give a new value to the often marginalised local level in the face of globalisation and its sometimes disastrous consequences? What sort of model of governance would enable the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity? How can we develop local partnerships and how do we interpret the articulation between territory, nation-state, regional and global? What forms of global governance are needed for a Solidarity Earth?


  • José Manuel Durao Barroso*, president of the European Commission
  • Dominique Bourg, philosopher, professor at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and teaches at the Institut d’études politiques (Institute of Political Studies) in Paris. Bourg is also a member of the Ecological Vigil Committee of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation. His fields of research include the ethics of sustainable development, the social construction of risk, the precautionary principle and participative democracy.
  • Gaël Giraud, researcher in economics at the CNRS, a graduate of Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (National School of Statistics and Economic Administration), Doctor in Applied Mathematics. Giraud’s research offers an original look at the financial economy and explores the ethical aspects of the economic sciences. A Jesuit and a former financial practitioner, he will share his proposals on economic governance.
  • Kamel Jendoubi, director of the Instance supérieure indépendante des élections (Higher Independent Elections Organisation) in Tunisia (ISIE), President of the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Human Rights and the Committee for the Respect of Liberties and Human Rights in Tunisia, a CCFD-Terre Solidaire partner organisation.
  • Animator: Julie Gacon from France Culture
  • Discussant researcher: Séverine BELLINA, Director of the Institut de Recherche sur la Gouvernance (Governance Research Institute)
18h00 Cocktail at the venue.

Friday 8 december 2011 – Round table 3 : Contributing to the unfolding of humanity and the person

08h30 Welcome

Round table 3 – Contributing to the unfolding of humanity and the person

What can we say about contemporary man, his desires, his strengths, his weaknesses and his universality? Is the humanity of the person in balance or in tension between nature and power, finitude and responsibility? How useful are convictions and to debate them as part of the process of the unfolding of humanity.


  • Candido Grybowski, sociologist, Director of IBASE (Institut Brésilien d’analyses sociales et économiques), a CCFD-Terre Solidaire partner organisation, and co-founder of the organising committee for the World Social Forum.
  • Ghaleb Bencheikh, president of the world Conference of the religions for the peace
  • Elena Lasida, economist, professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris, member of the Editorial Board for the magazine Transversalités, published by the Board of Directors of the French Social Weeks and of Justice and Peace. Her fields of research include: Epistemological approaches to economics, the solidarity economy and sustainable development, and development and theology.
  • Pierre Rabhi, french farmer, philosopher and writer. He defends a model of society that will be more respectful of man and the Earth. Radhi also supports the development of agro-ecology and farm practices that respect the environment and conserve natural resources, particularly in arid regions.
  • Christina Samy, ounder of AREDS (Association of Rural Education and Development Service), partner organisation of CCFD-Terre Solidaire. President of MAPOVI-TN (Women’s Movement against Poverty and Violence). Founder of SWATE (Society of Women in Action for Total Empowerment) and committee member for the National Coordination of the “World March of Women”.
  • Animator: Geneviève Delrue, journalist from Radio France Internationale
  • Discussant researcher : Benjamin Chapas, Redécouvrir le solidarisme
12h00 Closing ceremony with Guy Aurenche, President of CCFD-Terre Solidaire

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