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S'engager au CCFD-Terre Solidaire, c'est agir pour un monde plus juste ! Devenez bénévole.
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Thursday 8 December 2011 – Round table 1 : Towards an economy at the service of human being
09h00 | Welcome – Registration |
09h30 | Introduction by Bernard Pinaud, General Delegate of CCFD-Terre Solidaire |
10h00 |
Round table 1 – Towards an economy at the service of manIn a world of limited resources, how to re-embed the economy within society bearing in mind the constraints imposed by the necessary reproduction of natural ecosystems? Under what conditions is a more just, more solidarity economy also more ‘e “viable”? How to think through the economic transition towards “another” economy? Speakers
13h00 | Buffet dinner at the venue |
Thursday 8 December 2011 – Round table 2 : Governance: Towards a new role for actors, territories and nation-states
14h30 |
Round table 2 – Governance: Towards a new role for actors, territories and nation-statesHow to give a new value to the often marginalised local level in the face of globalisation and its sometimes disastrous consequences? What sort of model of governance would enable the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity? How can we develop local partnerships and how do we interpret the articulation between territory, nation-state, regional and global? What forms of global governance are needed for a Solidarity Earth? Speakers
18h00 | Cocktail at the venue. |
Friday 8 december 2011 – Round table 3 : Contributing to the unfolding of humanity and the person
08h30 | Welcome |
09h00 |
Round table 3 – Contributing to the unfolding of humanity and the personWhat can we say about contemporary man, his desires, his strengths, his weaknesses and his universality? Is the humanity of the person in balance or in tension between nature and power, finitude and responsibility? How useful are convictions and to debate them as part of the process of the unfolding of humanity. Speakers
12h00 | Closing ceremony with Guy Aurenche, President of CCFD-Terre Solidaire |
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Partagez et relayez nos informations et nos combats. S’informer, c’est déjà agir.
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J’ai 5 minutes
Contribuez directement à nos actions de solidarité internationale grâce à un don.
Je donne

J’ai plus de temps
S'engager au CCFD-Terre Solidaire, c'est agir pour un monde plus juste ! Devenez bénévole.
Je m'engage